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mu / mu-tool-compiler
Apache License 2.0A compiler that compiles Mu IR in text (by using the bundle api, or alternatively generates C code that does the same).
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mu / mu-impl-ref2
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalHolstein: the Mu reference implementation (the 2nd version).
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Zhansong Li / JikesRVM-3.1.4
Eclipse Public License 1.0RC Immix over Jikes RVM 3.1.4 release
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Kunshan Wang / liblushan
MIT LicenseSwap-stack support for native programs. Superseded by libyugong.
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mu / mu-perf-benchmarks
Apache License 2.0Mu performance measurement framework and benchmarks.
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Yi Lin / jikesrvm-yieldpoint
Eclipse Public License 1.0Updated -
mu / immix-rust
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Saffron Bannister / mu-impl-ref2
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalHolstein: the Mu reference implementation (the 2nd version).
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dacapo / anu-dev / dacapobench
Apache License 2.0ANU local development repo for DaCapo benchmark suite (https://github.com/dacapobench/dacapobench).
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Aditya Chilukuri / dacapobench
Apache License 2.0ANU local development repo for DaCapo benchmark suite (https://github.com/dacapobench/dacapobench).