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LaTeX templates for:
presentations lecture slides research project reports (like Bachelor, Master, or PhD theses, but also much smaller ones)Created by Pascal Bercher (credit appreciated), though some parts may have contributions by others.
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mu / x-RPySOM
MIT LicenseRPySOM - The Simple Object Machine Smalltalk implemented in RPython
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mu / mu-tool-vim
MIT LicenseVim Syntax Highlighting for Mu Intermediate Representation (kept updated to the most recent version)
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dacapo / anu-dev / dacapobench
Apache License 2.0ANU local development repo for DaCapo benchmark suite (https://github.com/dacapobench/dacapobench).
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A demonstration of writing papers quickly in markdown -- for both ACM and LLNCS formats.
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A demonstration of writing papers quickly in markdown -- for both ACM and LLNCS formats.
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Alwen TIU / pfmc-prover
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseParallel Fixed-point Model Checker (PFMC) - a parallel version of Open-Source Fixed-point Model Checker (OFMC) for security protocol verification.
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mu / immix-rust
Apache License 2.0Updated -
This is a proof-of-concept JavaScript client for Mu to showcase the Mu API for trap, stack introspection and on-stack replacement. It only implements a subset of JavaScript, but still has the dynamism of JavaScript to demonstrate specialisation.
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The prehistoric MicroVM (wasn't called Mu) prototype version 1, written in Python 2, with a Lua (subset) client.
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The prehistoric MicroVM (wasn't called Mu) prototype version 2, written in Python 3, with a Lua (subset) client and a non-SSA-to-SSA converter.
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