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  • Kunshan Wang's avatar
    Fixed trap handler and new_thread. · ce0b0d2e
    Kunshan Wang authored
    - Explicitly say in cmpxchg that "weak" is boolean.
    - The signature of the trap handler and the new_thread API are corrected
      so that input parameters are values and output parameters are pointers
      to values.
    - In trap handler, the "values" array is now a pointer to a
      client-allocated array. The client is also responsible for freeing it
      by providing a "freer". This is solely for working around the C
      programming language's limitation that "raw arrays (T*) do not know
      how to deallocate themselves". Garbage-collected languages (such as
      Haskell, Java, ...) and ownership-based languages (C++, rust) do not
      have such problems.