Explore projects
Submission for 3rd ANU Bio-inspired Computing conference, designed as part of the assessment of COMP4660.
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Active Knowledge Graph Completion resources
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dacapo / tools / analysis-tools
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Finding existing mining pits in Australia for potential pumped hydro energy storage (PHES) sites.
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Quyu Kong / coinipopt
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Extract information about a course from its page on ANU's Programs and Courses website.
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ENGN4528 project at CECS, the task is lane detection in autonomous driving.
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Aditya Chilukuri / dacapobench
Apache License 2.0ANU local development repo for DaCapo benchmark suite (https://github.com/dacapobench/dacapobench).
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dacapo / anu-dev / dacapobench
Apache License 2.0ANU local development repo for DaCapo benchmark suite (https://github.com/dacapobench/dacapobench).
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PandC-scrapers / degree-rule-scraper
Apache License 2.0An attempt to extract degree rules from Programs and Courses and represent them in a useful fashion.