Zebu VM (a fast implementation of Mu Micro VM)
Mu Micro VM is a substrate language virtual machine. Mu executes its language-/platform-neutural immediate representation to provide common low-level abstractions for programming language implementation, such as machine code generation and execution, garbage collection and concurrency. With Mu, language developers only need to care about language-specific optimisation and execution while leaving the low-level part to Mu Micro VM.
Zebu VM is a fast implementation of Mu, developed in Australia National University.
Platform support
Zebu supports the follow platforms:
- x86_64/linux (CI)
- aarch64/linux
- x86_64/macos (macOS 10.12+)
Mu specification coverage
Zebu does not implement full Mu specification yet. This label in the issue tracker keeps track of unimplemented features, or features that are not compliant to Mu spec.
You will need:
- rust version 1.28.0 or newer (2018-08-02)
- clang 4.0+
- cmake 3.8+ (we do not depend on cmake, but some Rust crates use it)
- internet connection (as Rust will download dependencies)
We have tested these specific versions:
- rust
- clang
- cmake
To build Zebu with release build,
cd path/to/zebu
MU_ZEBU=. CC=clang cargo build --release
you will get shared and static libraries for Zebu under target/release/
that you can link against in your language implementation.
You can also build Zebu in debug.
cd path/to/zebu
MU_ZEBU=. CC=clang cargo build
Zebu repository includes two test suites:
- cargo test
- pytest
Running tests with cargo test
cd path/to/zebu
MU_ZEBU=. CC=clang RUST_TEST_THREADS=1 cargo test --release 2>/dev/null
Running tests with pytest
To facilitate tests, Zebu uses RPython (which targets Mu as backend) for some of tests in this suite.
Download PyPyMu
cd path/to/zebu
git clone https://gitlab.anu.edu.au/mu/mu-client-pypy.git tests/test_jit/mu-client-pypy
cd tests/test_jit/mu-client-pypy
git checkout mu-rewrite
git apply pypy.patch
Download RPySOM
cd path/to/zebu
git clone https://gitlab.anu.edu.au/mu/x-RPySOM.git tests/test_jit/RPySOM
cd tests/test_jit/RPySOM
git submodule init
git submodule update
Running pytest (you will need Python 2.7 with pytest module)
cd path/to/zebu/tests/test_jit
export MU_ZEBU=path/to/zebu
export MU_LOG_LEVEL=none
export PYTHONPATH=mu-client-pypy:RPySOM/src
export ZEBU_BUILD=release
export CC=clang
export SPAWN_PROC=1
python2 -m pytest test*.py -v
- We only tested python
Using Zebu for your language implementation
Zebu provides the C binding for its API declared in
mu-fastimpl.h. The APIs are defined
in Mu specification.
The header also includes Zebu-specific APIs, such as mu_fastimpl_new()
Zebu allows the user to set options when creating a new instance. The options can be found in vm_options.rs.
Coding style
Zebu code base uses rustfmt-nightly
default style (as defined in Rust Style Guide)
with one exception - no trailing comma (see rustfmt.toml). The CI
server marks commits as failed if the code is compliant to the style.
The CI server is using:
nightly-2017-07-19 -
Bug reports
As Zebu is still in its early development, we expect bugs and missing features. We appreciate if you can report to Issues. Our priority for Zebu development is driven by the issue tracker along with two client implementations that are being actively developed in ANU, PyPy-Mu and GHC-Mu.
Zebu uses Apache 2.0. See the license.